Administrative law is the branch of law that regulates the administrative activities of the state, the relations between public administration and individuals, and the legal problems arising from these relations. It covers the establishment, operation, authorities, responsibilities of public institutions, and the resolution of disputes between these institutions and individuals. Administrative law regulates the relations of public authorities with individuals and other public legal entities, determines the methods of resolving disputes arising in these relations, and defines how public services will be carried out within the legal framework. Our Administrative Judiciary Law Service | Turkey:
- Application to the public institution performing the administrative action,
- Filing a lawsuit against expropriation, which is the process of seizing private property due to public interest,
- Filing a lawsuit against zoning plans made regarding administrative actions,
- Filing a lawsuit against personnel actions made by public institutions,
- Filing a lawsuit against actions made by social security institutions,
- Malpractice cases,
- Dismissal penalty,
- Assignment cases,
- Full jurisdiction (compensation) cases due to the responsibility of the administration,
- Disciplinary cases,
- Appointment, transfer, promotion and title change, cases filed due to monetary rights, assignment cases due to spouse status within this framework,
- Cases related to civil servant retirement,
- Cases regarding the cancellation of zoning plan regulations,
- Cases regarding the cancellation of zoning demolition and zoning fine transactions,
- Cancellation Cases (administrative cases filed with the request to cancel an administrative action due to its unlawfulness),
- Arising from administrative contracts disputes
- Appeals against decisions made by Administrative Courts,
- Appeal Applications
You can contact us for more information about our Administrative Judiciary Law Service | Turkey.