Family and divorce law is a branch of family law that regulates the process of termination of marriage and the legal issues that arise during this process. Divorce law deals with the spouses’ requests to terminate the marriage, the reasons for divorce, the rights and obligations that may arise during and after the divorce process (such as alimony, custody, property division, compensation). It also regulates how disputes between the parties will be resolved during the divorce process and the new legal situations that will arise after the divorce. Our Family and Divorce Law Service | Turkey:
- Contested Divorce Case,
- Consensual Divorce Case,
- Property Sharing Cases Between Spouses Arising from Divorce,
- Property Regime Agreement Annulment Case,
- Conversion of Legal Property Regime to Property Separation Case,
- Alimony Increase, Decrease, Removal Case,
- Support Alimony/Removal Case,
- Recognition and Enforcement Cases of Foreign Court Decisions Arising from Family and Divorce Law in Turkey,
- Alimony to Use the Surname of the Child’s Mother Filed After Divorce,
- Compensation Cases Filed After Divorce,
- Material and Non-Pecuniary Compensation and Return of Gifts Due to Dissolution of Engagement Case,
- Alimony to Allow the Married Woman to Use Her Previous Surname Case,
- Alimony Annulment Case (Due to Absolute – Relative Nullity) Case )
- Marriage Permission Case Related to the Waiting Period,
- Marriage Permission Case Based on Absence, Restriction or Minority,
- Personal Goods Return Case,
Divorce law provides a fair solution in the process of termination of marriage and regulates the effects of divorce on the parties. It protects the rights of spouses, children and other relevant persons and tries to ensure social and legal order. Therefore, divorce law has great importance both individually and socially. Divorce law is regulated by the Turkish Civil Code and relevant legislation.
You can contact us for more information about our Family and Divorce Law Service | Turkey.