Enforcement law is the branch of law that regulates the enforcement of court decisions or other legal documents of enforceable nature and non-judgmental receivables. Enforcement law determines how a court decision or a specific debt will be collected by the creditor through enforcement, how the debtor’s assets will be determined and how these assets will be seized, and how the creditor will collect his/her receivables. This branch of law covers both forced enforcement (forced collection) processes and bankruptcy processes. Our Enforcement Law Service | Izmir/Turkey :
- Enforcement Proceedings without a Judgment,
- Enforcement proceedings with a judgment based on a court decision (judgment) or a document in the nature of a judgment (e.g. notary-certified promissory note) in the possession of the creditor
- Enforcement Proceedings Based on Bills of Exchange,
- Objection to Enforcement Proceedings and Cancellation of Objection Cases,
- Objection to Enforcement Order Case,
- Evacuation of Leased Property
- Recovery Cases,
- Rights for Entitlement,
- Negative Determination Cases,
- Obtainment of Provisional Seizure Order to Prevent the Debtor from Smuggling Property,
- All Criminal Cases Arising from Enforcement-Bankruptcy Law (Abuse of Trusteeship, Breach of Undertaking, Bad Check Case, etc.)
- Operation of the procedure for objection to the pursuit or debt,
- Transactions regarding the removal of the seizure,
- Issuance of payment order,
- Transactions regarding sales tenders,
- Mortgage and collection of receivables by converting the lien into cash,
- Initiating foreclosure proceedings against the debtor in case the debtor does not fulfill his/her debt,
- Putting the seized goods on sale and collecting the receivables,
- Filing a bankruptcy case against the debtor, following up the case and collecting the receivables,
You can contact us to get more detailed information about our Enforcement Law Service | Izmir/Turkey.